Introduction to Apache Spark APIs for Data Processing

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Introduction to Apache Spark APIs for Data Processing

Welcome to the website of the course on Apache Spark by CERN IT. The course is self-paced and open, it is a short introduction to the architecture and key abstractions used by Spark. Theory and demos cover the main Spark APIs: DataFrame API, Spark SQL, Streaming, Machine Learning. You will also learn how to deploy Spark on CERN computing resources, notably using the CERN SWAN service. Most tutorials and exercises are in Python and run on Jupyter notebooks.

Apache Spark is a popular engine for data processing at scale. Spark provides an expressive API and a scalable engine that integrates very well with the Hadoop ecosystem as well as with Cloud resources. Spark is currently used by several projects at CERN, notably by IT monitoring, by the security team, by the BE NXCALS project, by teams in ATLAS and CMS. Moreover, Spark is integrated with the CERN Hadoop service, the CERN Cloud service, and the CERN SWAN web notebooks service.


Accompanying notebooks

Course lectures and tutorials


Acknowledgements and feedback

Author and contact for feedback and questions: Luca Canali -

CERN-IT Spark and data analytics services

Former contributors: Riccardo Castellotti, Prasanth Kothuri

Many thanks to CERN Technical Training for their collaboration and support

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Published in November 2022

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