

Oracle Cloud: upload large files through the Object Store REST API

Submitted by fpachot on

In the previous post I used a simple oci-curl() function as a Command Line Interface to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure without installing any client tool or language. It was easy for simple things such as starting and stopping services. But it can also be more powerful because it is simply a wrapper to call the OCI REST API, simplifying the sign-in and authentication, but allowing to run any GET, POST, PUT and DELETE method.

Oracle Cloud: start/stop automatically the Autonomous Databases

Submitted by fpachot on

In the previous post I've setup all the environment to be able to easily control the OCI services without bothering with the sign-in headers, and without installing anything. In this post I'll used the oci-curl() function to stop all my Autonomous Database services. In the previous post, I've set the environment variables for the private and public key, and the user, tenant and compartment OCIDs.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Keys and OCID

Submitted by fpachot on

As you may have read in the news, CERN is testing some Oracle Cloud services. When a large organisation is using the Cloud Credits, there's a need to control the service resources. This requires automation and then the GUI interface from the Cloud portal is not sufficient. We can control the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure through the REST API, OCI CLI, OCI SDKs, and all those methods require a RSA key for sign-in and some OCI (Oracle Cloud Identifier) to identify the user, the tenant, the compartment, the service,...


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