

CPU Load Testing Exercises: Tools and Analysis for Oracle Database Servers

This document describes some basic CPU load testing


Oracle VPD as a safeguard for DML

Submitted by fpachot on

Virtual Private Databases (VPD) is an Enterprise Edition feature related to security. It restricts the scope of Data Manipulation Language to a subset of the table rows by transparently adding a where clause before executing them. It is also called Row-Level Security (RLS). Where the policy is enabled, it is like having the selected DML (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) operate on a transcient view. And the predicates for this view can be dynamic and even query tables that the user cannot see.

Minimal Oracle

Submitted by fpachot on

The Oracle Database software is large, several gigabytes in Oracle Home for the part that is deployed on the operating system, and additional megabytes in SYSTEM tablespace for the part that is deployed as stored procedures (mainly the dbms_% packages). And this is not a problem with the traditional deployment methods where you can have a .zip golden image of the Oracle Home, and a database template to start a new DB. But this monolithic approach is not adapted to the current way people want to deploy software:

Oracle Index compression for range scan on file names

Submitted by fpachot on

Do you have tables with a column storing filenames? Long filenames with full path? If this is the case, then you probably realized how an index on this can be large. And when looking at the values sorted, you have seen the inefficiency of it: a big part of the full name is reapeated because it has the same prefix for files in the same (sub)directory. The 12cR2 Advanced Index Compression (COMPRESS ADVANCED LOW) does not help here because it only compresses identical values, like the basic compression of tables. With unique filenames, we cannot expect any benefit.

Oracle LIKE predicate and cardinality estimations

Submitted by fpachot on

There are not many ways to access efficiently to table rows. Either you want lot of them, because your predicate is not very selective, and you read the whole table in the fastest you can do. This is Table Full Scan. Or you use a structure that gives you access to the subset of rows you need. There are mostly two structures for that: sort and hash.

ODC Appreciation Day : Reduce CPU usage by running the business logic in the Oracle Database

Submitted by fpachot on

Here is my #ThanksODC post. A long one... There's a point that should always be a major topic for database developer community discussions: where to run the procedural code. The access to data is in the database, for sure, and the language for it is SQL. But very often, the business logic of a transaction cannot be executed in one single SQL statement. Either because it is too complex and requires a procedural language.

Unindexed Foreign Keys in Oracle and PostgreSQL

Submitted by fpachot on

In Oracle we need to have a index on the foreign key column as soon as we have the intention to delete from the parent row, or a locking situation may block all transactions around the child table. PostgreSQL has a similar way to manage isolation, with MVCC, then do you think you also need to index the foreign keys? Here is a test that confirms that postgres does need to not lock the tables even without index on the foreign key. 

Efficiently query DBA_EXTENTS for FILE_ID / BLOCK_ID

Submitted by fpachot on

Did you ever try to query DBA_EXTENTS on a very large database with LMT tablespaces? I had to, in the past, in order to find which segment a corrupt block belonged to. The information about extent allocation is stored in the datafiles headers, visible though X$KTFBUE, and queries on it can be very expensive. In addition to that, the optimizer tends to start with the segments and get to this X$KTFBUE for each of them. At this time, I had quickly created a view on the internal dictionary tables, forcing to start by X$KTFBUE with materialized CTE, to replace DBA_EXTENTS.


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