Integrating Hadoop and Elasticsearch - Part 1 - Loading into and Querying Elasticsearch from Apache Hive

Submitted by pkothuri on
Blog article:
Submitted by Tom-Kun (not verified) 8 years ago

Great article Prasanth Kothuri, to understand how to plug and configure a Hive table on an Elasticsearch Index and do some queries. Is it possible to configure something similar as you did but with a batch process or an automatic process.
Great article.
But the offloading part interested me.

Submitted by Bosco (not verified) 8 years ago

Amazing post. Not even a single piece of code error out. To the point and outstanding content. Really appreciate.

Submitted by Proquotient (not verified) 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing this highly in depth guide on integrating Hadoop and Elastic search , this is a very informative and easy to understand guide which makes it easy to learn.

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